Alliance Grant Management Services

Unlock PreK
Without the Paperwork!
Family child care providers wear a lot of hats. A small list includes early childhood educator, care giver, nurse, co-parent, chauffeur, social worker, therapist, small business owner, and the list goes on.
For providers that join the state-funded PreK program, you could add “grant manager” to the list above. From writing the grant, to completing monthly invoices and reports, to meeting with MSDE and local school district personnel, the role of PreK grant manager adds a laundry list of things to do.
For providers that join the ASPIRE program, all that goes away as the ASPIRE team handles all the grant management duties. But not everyone wants to take that path, and they aren’t particularly thrilled at becoming grant managers either.
The Alliance hears you! Starting with the 2025-26 PreK grant year, the Alliance will offer a for-fee grant management service for FCC providers who want to join the PreK system but don’t want the grant management headaches.
The details and pricing are still being worked out, but now FCC providers can reap the benefits of PreK without the paperwork. Want to learn more? Contact us here.